Exparel Pain Management

Advanced EXPAREL Pain Management in Boulder, Brighton, and Denver, CO

After any dental surgical treatment, you will feel pain or aching in the wound once the effect of anaesthesia subsides. At Denver Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we take the comfort and safety of recovering patients seriously. Our dental surgeons offer EXPAREL Pain Management in Denver, Brighton, and Boulder, CO as an effective and safe alternative to morphine or opioid.

What is EXPAREL Pain Management?

Exparel is the brand name for a non-opioid pain management medication that is administered during dental surgery to supress pain and avoid or lessen the use opioids post-surgery. It can help you avoid the potentially dangerous side effects of opioids, which are the common type of painkillers prescribed by most surgeons.

How does EXPAREL Pain Management Work?

Once administered on the surgical site, Exparel will keep the wound numb for a couple of days. Unlike opioids, it does not affect the entire body, which is safer and less likely to cause side effects on othe body parts. Exparel also has a long-lasting effect, eliminating the need for additional pain medications.

Exparel pain management solution can be applied to patients undergoing wisdom tooth extactions, dental implant procedures, and jaw or facial surgery. At Denver Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, you have the option to take this pain management solution over other sedative methods if you are over 18 years of age. Exparel has the following benefits over opioid painkillers:

  • Exparel doesn’t lead to addiction.
  • It is not necessary for patients to keep track of when to take their painkillers.
  • Pain relief can last for up to 72 hours, when the pain is most unbearable.
  • You’ll experience no “lag time” when it wears off  and prior to the next application.
  • Exparel acts fast during surgery, allowing you to relax immediately after procedure.
  • Since Exparel is localized, it does not have impact cognitive function.
  • Exparel is a non-drowsy pain medication.
  • You can still use Ibuprofen products with Exparel to give additional relief, if needed.

Explore How EXPAREL Pain Management Works

Our dental surgeons at Denver Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery offers EXPAREL Pain Management in Denver, Brighton, and Boulder, CO to all surgical patients. If you want to know more about this non-opioid pain medication or inquire about any exparel side effects, our team is here to help.

Call us for an appointment to learn how Exparel can help in your oral surgery.